Detecting disease-critical genes in underrepresented populations
Akamatsu, K., Golzari, S., Amariuta, T. Powerful mapping of cis-genetic effects on gene expression across diverse populations reveals novel disease-critical genes. medRxiv (2024).
Inferring causal cell types in diseases and complex traits
Amariuta T., Siewert-Rocks, K., Price, A.L. Modeling tissue co-regulation estimates tissue-specific contributions to disease. Nat. Genet. 55, 1503-1511 (2023).
Trans-ancestry portability of genetic association data
Amariuta, T.*, Ishigaki, K.*, Sugishita, H., Ohta, T., Koido, M., Dey, K. K., Matsuda, K., Murakami, Y., Price, A. L., Kawakami, E., Terao, C. & Raychaudhuri, S. Improving the trans-ancestry portability of polygenic risk scores by prioritizing variants in predicted cell-type-specific regulatory elements. Nat. Genet. 52, 1346–1354 (2020). * indicates equal contributions
Cell-type-specific enhancer predictions
Interact with IMPACT on the UCSC Genome Browser
Amariuta, T., Luo, Y., Gazal, S., Davenport, E. E., van de Geijn, B., Ishigaki, K., Westra, H.-J., Teslovich, N., Okada, Y., Yamamoto, K., …, Price, A. L., Raychaudhuri, S. IMPACT: Genomic annotation of cell-state-specific regulatory elements inferred from the epigenome of bound transcription factors. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 104, 879–895 (2019).
Review article on advances in rheumatoid arthritis genetics
Amariuta, T., Luo, Y., Knevel, R., Okada, Y., Raychaudhuri, S. Advances in genetics toward identifying and profiling pathogenic cell states of rheumatoid arthritis. Immunol. Rev. (2019).
A full list of Dr. Amariuta’s publications can be found here: